
Category: Worker's Compensation Queensland

Common law claims when injured at work in Queensland

Common law claims when injured at work in Queensland

In Queensland, if you suffer a workplace injury or illness, in addition to your worker’s compensation statutory entitlements (like weekly payments and medical expenses), you may be entitled to bring a common law claim for damages due to the impact your injury has had on your life, and in particular your ability to earn income.
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Compensation for workplace bullying and harassment

Compensation for workplace bullying and harassment

The law in Queensland provides certain cover for workers who have suffered a psychological injury due to being bullied and/or harassed in the workplace. We look at three options for compensation after workplace bullying and/or harassment.
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Significant changes proposed for worker’s compensation claims Queensland

Significant changes proposed for worker’s compensation claims Queensland

We look at a raft of proposed changes to the law that applies to worker’s compensation claims in Queensland, and their impact on injured worker’s rights and entitlements. Overall, it is our view that the proposed changes are a positive step for workers who suffer a workplace injury in Queensland.
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WorkCover lump sum compensation claims Queensland

WorkCover lump sum compensation claims Queensland

If you’ve had a workplace injury in Queensland and you have been paid statutory worker’s compensation benefits like weekly payments and medical expenses, then you may also be entitled to what is called a ‘lump sum offer’ from Workcover Queensland.
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Failed worker’s compensation common law claim alleging aggravation of schizophrenia

Failed worker’s compensation common law claim alleging aggravation of schizophrenia

We review a Queensland case where an injured worker sought worker’s compensation common law damages. The worker alleges an injury to his head aggravated his pre-existing condition of schizophrenia. The common law claim ultimately failed.
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QIRC denies worker’s compensation death benefits to dependants of deceased worker

QIRC denies worker’s compensation death benefits to dependants of deceased worker

An October 2023 decision of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission highlights the important things to be considered when dependants of a deceased worker are considering applying for worker’s compensation dependency benefits. Ultimately, in this case, the surviving family members were unsuccessful in their claim for death benefits.
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How to claim workers compensation in Queensland

How to claim workers compensation in Queensland

It is important to know the “dos and don’ts” when making a worker's compensation claim after a workplace accident or incident. People tend to believe claiming compensation for workplace injuries is an easy process, however, there are strict time restrictions you have to comply with when commencing a claim.
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Detailed case preparation sees injured worker awarded nearly $1,000,000 compensation

Detailed case preparation sees injured worker awarded nearly $1,000,000 compensation

Case review: Judge awards injured worker common law damages in the amount of $825,000. This was in addition to his statutory compensation from Workcover Queensland of $95,000. In total, the injured worker was awarded just shy of 1 million dollars in damages due to his employer’s negligence.
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