About Cameron Hall Compensation Lawyers

We are personal injury lawyers based in Brisbane and provide compensation services to people across Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Founder Cameron Hall is one of Queensland’s most experienced personal injury compensation lawyers, having worked exclusively in personal injury law since 1991.

Worker’s compensation claims

Since 1991, Cameron has acted exclusively for injured workers from all walks of life, including, for example, workers employed in: 

  • the Mining industry;
  • manufacturing;
  • construction (large and small);
  • trades (electrical, plumbing, carpentry);
  • maritime industry;
  • retail industry;
  • transport (truck drivers, forklift operators etc);
  • nursing;
  • emergency workers (ambulance, police, firefighters);
  • medical and allied health;
  • banking and general administration; and 
  • the public service (both state/territory and commonwealth employed).

Cameron’s diverse experience in workplace injury claims means he is able to help injured workers recover all the compensation they are entitled to, regardless of what type of injury they have sustained. 

He gives the same complete attention to helping injured workers who have suffered anything from minor strains to catastrophic career-ending injuries, whether physical or mental (psychological) or as a result of a disease. Every client is given his singular focus to get them the compensation they deserve.

Queensland worker’s compensation experience

Cameron’s experience in Queensland worker's compensation law includes:

  • assisting over 3,000 clients with their worker's compensation claims;
  • recovering over $150 million in common law damages for injured workers;
  • over 1,000 worker's compensation statutory reviews and appeals to the Regulator (previously Q Comp, and before that the Workers Compensation Board of Queensland);
  • involvement (through assisting various trade union clients and the legal profession) in the review of changes in the worker's compensation system in Queensland since the mid-1990s. This includes: 
  • the ‘Kennedy Review’ (ensuring that worker's common law rights were adequately protected at a time when the government wanted to remove them entirely); 
  • subsequent reviews by 3 successive labour administrations; and, of course; 
  • the infamous Newman Government Review (and subsequent corrections under the Palaszczuk administration).


Northern Territory worker’s compensation experience

Cameron has assisted workers injured in the Northern Territory for more than 20 years. 

Initially, he assisted NT-based union clients and their members and then expanded his practice to assist any NT-based injured worker.

Cameron’s experience in NT worker's compensation includes:

  • advising and assisting injured workers who have had their worker's compensation claims rejected;
  • representing injured workers at statutory mediations;
  • representing injured workers in their appeals to the Work Health Court NT;
  • securing lump sum settlements for workers (otherwise known as section 78A payments in the NT);
  • general advice about injured worker's compensation rights and responsibilities (of both parties, e.g., in relation to rehabilitation from injury).

Unfortunately, the NT worker’s compensation system is quite complex, especially the process involved in seeking a review of an employer's adverse decision to reject or cancel an injured worker’s claim. Getting the right advice early is key to ensuring that your rights are properly protected.


Comcare worker’s compensation claims

Due to Cameron’s involvement in assisting Trade Union’s and their members with their workers compensation matters, he has developed an expertise in dealing with claims which are administered by the Safety, Compensation and Rehabilitation Act (1992) known as the ‘Comcare scheme’.

Since the inception of the SR&C Act (in 1992), Cameron has acted for workers who are covered by the Comcare scheme who work in a variety of different industries, including:

  • Federal government department workers;
  • Banking and Finance (significantly, a number of the larger banks and financial institutions are now covered by the Comcare scheme rather than state-based worker's compensation schemes);
  • Transport (given the larger logistics companies operate across most states/territories in Australia);
  • Health; and
  • Construction (larger construction companies now covered by Comcare scheme).


Motor Vehicle accident compensation claims

Cameron has helped many individuals injured as a result of another road user’s negligence. His considerable experience in motor vehicle accident compensation claims means there isn’t a type of road accident claim he hasn’t had experience in dealing with.

  • Car accident injury claims – drivers and passengers;
  • Accidents due to mechanical failure;
  • Motorcycle accidents – riders and pillions;
  • Trucking accidents – drivers and passengers;
  • Bus accident claims;
  • Cyclist injury claims;
  • Pedestrian injury claims;
  • Tram and rail injury claims.

No matter the type or extent of the injury sustained in a road accident, every client receives the attention to detail they deserve to ensure they recover every cent they are entitled to when injured due to another person’s negligence. 

From the small ‘whiplash’ type injury, right through to the catastrophically injured, every client will receive Cameron’s full attention to every aspect of their compensation claim needed to ensure they recover every cent they deserve.


Child sexual abuse compensation (institutional abuse claims)

Abuse compensation is a sensitive area of legal practice and needs a lawyer with the experience and understanding to handle claims involving child sex abuse to ensure there is as little stress as possible for the survivor through the claims process.

Survivors of child sexual abuse are probably one of, if not the most deserving of individuals entitled to recover compensation for the often very impactful nature of the psychological injury they have had to deal with their whole lives. It is, therefore, very important that survivors and their support network (if there to help) get the right advice about their compensation options as soon as possible.

Cameron has been a preferred supplier of legal services for the government support organisation ‘Know-more’, so he has the knowledge and understanding needed to ensure survivors of child sexual abuse get the right advice at the outset and that their claims progress quickly and with the minimum of stress and worry. 

Abuse survivors need to be compensated, but they also need to know that they can rely on a lawyer to do the job properly and with the appropriate amount of understanding and empathy.

Cameron understands that survivors take their own time dealing with the aftermath of the abuse they suffered as a child. He will take whatever time is necessary to give each individual survivor the time and space they need to advance their claims. He also understands that some survivors need a support person to make enquiries for them (and to continue to assist them through the legal process). He will happily speak to anyone the survivor nominates to help them through the process of recovering the compensation they deserve.


Medical Negligence claims

Medical negligence law (sometimes referred to as medical malpractice) is, unfortunately, quite a complex area of compensation law. This is due to the often-specialised nature of the processes involved in the claim, including:

  • the need to ensure that the appropriate expert medical evidence is obtained to maximise prospects of succeeding with the claim; and 
  • recovering the compensation that the sufferer of medical negligence deserves.

Some examples of medical negligence cases that Cameron has been involved in 

  • a case involving negligent surgical care (including pre and post-procedure management);
  • failure to properly diagnose/treat medical ailments (including delayed treatment);
  • negligent dental care;
  • breaches involving standards of allied health care (nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc).


Disability insurance claims - TPD and income protection

Total and permanent disablement (TPD) or disability cover is a form of insurance providing a lump sum payment if you are permanently unable to work due to injury or illness. Notably, how you were injured or became sick does not have to be related to your employment.

As the name suggests, income protection insurance is to ‘protect’ you from lost income following certain events that result in you having to stop work, at least temporarily, due to injury or illness and being unable to earn your income

Cameron has been assisting individuals with their claims for TPD and income protection benefits for over 33 years, which means he has a good understanding of what is needed to demonstrate to an insurer/super fund that his clients deserve to be paid their benefits under the relevant policy. 

It might seem straightforward enough when looking to apply for an insurance benefit, but it’s important to keep in mind that an insurance company will avoid paying out on a policy if they think they can. 

Getting the right advice early can often make the difference between getting paid a benefit early or having to wade through a complex legal process. But if that’s required, Cameron has the experience and skill base to hold the insurance company to account.


Free compensation law advice

QLD 07 3310 8729 NT 08 8943 0606 info@chclaw.com.au

Call or email a compensation lawyer today. Your first interview is completely free, so it costs you nothing to find out where you stand.